Same persons link

This is how to add links to other trees/sites that this person is also on.

Press the “Same Person Link(s)” button and a pop up window will appear.

Mark of the box that says “Create as an external link to another site”, new pop up will show.

On this box post the following

  • External Personal Name:  Post the name that is shown on the other site
  • External Tree Name : If this is from a multi tree site like Myheritage, add the name of the tree here.
  • External Site Name : Add the name of the site.
  • External Site URL : Add the page URL here.
  • External Link Note : If there is any additonal information on that page that you wish to keep, you can add it here.

Example of a filled in form.

When finished press “Save”

On the next page you can add more or press finish, you can also edit or delete the one you had made.

After you have pressed finish you will see a green dot on the “Same Person Links” button showing that you have links there.

Now you can press save and go to the persons public page.

This is what is shown on the persons page.